Understand the Web Server with the Theseus Debugger

  1. Kill the web server by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal. On Windows, you may need to press it twice.

  2. Run the server again, but use node-theseus this time.

    $ node-theseus app.js
    Server started at http://localhost:3000/
  3. Within a few seconds, Brackets should show call counts to the left of every function in app.js, like this:

    This is a feature of Theseus, the Brackets extension you installed at the beginning.

  4. When you refresh http://localhost:3000/, the call counts update in real-time. You should see that the first function is called once every time you reload the page.

  5. Click on them. A log panel will pop up with information about every time those functions were called:


Open public/tutorial-06.html in Brackets. It should automatically open in this Chrome tab as well. If not, click the lightning bolt again.

